por Miguel Mesa | May 18, 2020 | News
We welcome Innotec who, together with BOTECH FPI, MNEMO and GMV, have given us their trust in us to train their staff. InnoTec is an international company, part of the Entelgy Group and specialized in cyber security, intelligence and risk management and prevention....
por Miguel Mesa | May 18, 2020 | News
We welcome S2GRUPO and GRUPO SIA who together with BOTECH FPI, MNEMO, GMV and INNOTEC have given us their confidence to train their staff. This is a national reference company in the field of cyber security and cyber intelligence, which has developed the only national...
por Miguel Mesa | May 18, 2020 | News
Last Friday 15th we started the first module of the Master «Data, Complex Networks & Cybersecurity Sciences», called Cybersecurity Fundamentals. The course is attended by 27 students. We would like to thank them for their interest and effort in attending this...
por Miguel Mesa | May 18, 2020 | News
From left to right: Regino Criado (Director of the DCNC Sciences Institute), Miguel Romance del Río (Deputy Director of the DCNC Sciences Institute), Javier Ramos (Rector of the URJC), Santiago Moral (Director of the DCNC Sciences Institute) and Francisco Ginel...
por Miguel Mesa | May 18, 2020 | News
Cybersecurity expert: a profession that does not know unemployment DCNCS Announcements June 24, 2019 In a society where it is increasingly difficult to find a job, DCNC Sciences provides you with the training you need for a job where there is currently no...